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akira.wav (51 K) - Masaru: "It's Akira!

alone.wav (56 K) - Tetsuo: "I wish you'd just go away and leave me alone.

bad.wav (44 K) - Yamagata (gang member): "This is bad man, real bad!

bitchin.wav (14 K) - Tetsuo: "Bitchin

breathe.wav (75 K) - Breathing (music)

buddy.wav (44 K) - Kaneda: "What's wrong with trying to help a buddy?

cmon.wav (19 K) - Colonel: "C'mon

coil.wav (60 K) - Kaneda: "Just when my coil's reaching the green line."

commerc.wav (60 K) - Loudspeaker: Terrorists have bombed the commercial district.

confuse.wav (22 K) - Tetsuo making confused noises.

control.wav (60 K) - Colonel: "Control must be maintained."

dead.wav (66 K) - Politician dying

delay.wav (39 K) - Colonel: "They're just trying to delay us here."

drum2.wav (50 K) - Drum (music)

dum_dum.wav (91 K) - Dum dum (music)

enough.wav (23 K) - Tetsuo: "Enough!"

evolut.wav (34 K) - Kaneda: "That's evolution, right?"

fear.wav (60 K) - Tetsuo afraid of the teddy bear

finish.wav (42 K) - Masaru: "This chapter's finished."

fool.wav (26 K) - Politician: "You fool."

got_it.wav (65 K) - Tetsuo: "You got it! I'm gonna wipe this guy all over the street."

great.wav (51 K) - Tetsuo: "This is great."

growl.wav (101 K) - Colonel growling

hey.wav (124 K) - Keisuke (gang member): "Hey! Kaneda!"

idiot.wav (13 K) - Colonel: "Idiot."

indust.wav (64 K) - Keisuke (gang member): "The only area we haven't covered is the industrial complex."

kaneda.wav (36 K) - Tetsuo "Kaneda!"

strong>kaori.wav (91 K) - Tetsuo: "Kaori, Kaori..."

miss.wav (30 K) - Keisuke (gang member): "I'll miss you!"

no_fun.wav (49 K) - Kaneda's girlfriend: "Ehh, you're no fun at all."

now.wav (35 K) - Colonel: "Do it now!"

olympics.wav (46 K) - Colonel: "Men, we're going to the Olympics."

open_up.wav (27 K) - Tetsuo: "Open up!"

ow.wav (100 K) - Tetsuo moaning in pain.

perpet.wav (50 K) - Policeman: "I don't think these are the perpetrators."

stupfool.wav (51 K) - Colonel: "Stupid fool"

stupidit.wav (69 K) - Tetsuo: "Stupidity, utter stupidity!"

tetsuo_1.wav (118 K) - Kaneda challenging: "Tetsuo!"

tetsuo_2.wav (46 K) - Kaneda screaming in pain: "Tetsuo!"

under.wav (77 K) - Colonel: "It's a soldier's duty; you wouldn't understand."

where.wav (65 K) - Tetsuo: "Where is this thing called Akira?"

whine.wav (71 K) - Takashi whining.

wrong.wav (27 K) - Tetsuo: "Nothing's wrong"

yalostme.wav (25 K)




Copyright Harukiya, Mash-Room, K.Otomo, Glénat